One of the good topics for an essay is to write about a fad or craze during a specific period of time. A fad or craze could be a product or idea, that would suddenly become famous to the mainstream public.
When writing essays about a fad or a craze, the student could try to examine the reasons behind it. It could be because of the introduction of something that the populace had not have a taste before, or an endorsement by a popular celebrity. Also, writing essays about a fad is not only a good way to earn an academic grade, it also provides the writer some sense of nostalgia, especially if they themselves were caught up in the craze.
Some fads that a writer can write about on an essay include:
1.Disco in the 70s – The essays can tackle the songs, the outfit, or even the people who have not let go of the craze and are still swinging to disco even up to the present time.
2.Hairstyle during the 80s – The essays can also move up in years and discuss how everyone seemed to be sporting Mullets and rat tails during the 80s.
3.Pokemon – A more recent craze could also be worked into essay. During the late 90s to the early 2000, everyone seemed hook into these pocket monsters. A person would not be able to get around town without seeing these cutesy monsters in the hands of some kids, and even adults!
Juliette J. Burns is an essays writer for a website that tracks recent trends and crazes all over the country. She is a communications graduate and she says that she writes about these topics for “nostalgia's sake”. Born in the 1980s, her personal fads included being a Hulkamaniac, and a high affninity for watching “Just Say No” infomercials.