We usually focus on lean and Six Sigma concepts as ideas for providing improvement. But there are many other approaches around the world that are insightful and worth noting as lessons learned for business and other organizations. For example, during the month of April 2009, an estimated 714 million Indians cast their vote, using India's unique electronic voting machines. And less than a year ago, President Obama used text messaging to reach millions of voters. What can we learn from these radical uses of technology?
In both of these elections, we saw brilliant political strategy that led to unprecedented results. In the United States, President Obama became the first African American president. In India, the Congress party convinced a mix of many different constituencies to vote for them, retaining them in power for a second consecutive term. In the United States, we voted in a younger president, opting for change; in India, people voted in a 78-year old prime minister, opting emphatically for an era of stability. In either case, each was a phenomenal event.
Was it brilliant strategy? Was it how they communicated their vision? Was it the way they executed it? Are there lessons organizations can learn from them as they prepare to compete in the future?
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