(CyberMetrics: Phoenix) -- GAGEtrak BEACON is an optional software add-on product used in conjunction with GAGEtrak SQL Server to enhance the e-mail notification function.
GAGEtrak BEACON is a lightweight service-based system that runs continuously in the background of a server or an always-on workstation. After loading and configuring, no manual intervention is required.
BEACON periodically polls the GAGEtrak database for calibrations that are due and efficiently sends out e-mail notices to the calibration technicians.
One of the main benefits, other than reliability and efficiency, is that BEACON can be configured to only send notices to specific technicians or departments that are responsible for maintaining certain gauges.
Without GAGEtrak BEACON, users are required to load and run GAGEtrak on a workstation to generate e-mail notices of calibrations that are due. Because this requires someone to remember to run GAGEtrak each day, it is a less reliable procedure.
Furthermore, because GAGEtrak BEACON runs in the background, there’s no need to open GAGEtrak while other applications are running to distribute e-mail notifications. This will speed up your day overall.
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