Join Dennis Arter for Excite @ Nite! at the opening reception for the 2010 ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement, May 23, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., in St. Louis, Missouri.
Excite@Nite! Is a presentation event resembling Pecha Kucha and Ignite! formats. Started in 2003, Pecha Kucha restricts the presenter to 20 slides, each automatically advancing every 20 seconds. Total presentation time is six minutes and 40 seconds. Ignite! was started in 2006 and tightens it up even more—20 slides for 15 seconds each. Total presentation time is five minutes.
Both approaches are based on
- A sense of community
- Wild and crazy topics
- Audience feedback and fun
Where and when
2010 ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement
America’s Center, Exhibit Hall
Sunday, May 23, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The exhibit hall opens at 6:30 p.m. for the opening reception after the annual business meeting. The reception ends at 8:30 p.m.
The coordinator and ringmaster of the event will be Dennis Arter. He has been following this presentation approach since 2008 and has attended Ignite! Portland events twice. Arter is also on the ASQ technical program committee for the World Conference and suggested the concept be tried in St. Louis 2010.
Since there are 60 minutes for the event, it most likely will contain 10 sessions. A session starts when the hand microphone is given to the presenter and ends when the screen goes dark after the last slide.
To be considered for one of the ten slots, please enter your idea on the Excite Proposals page.
Proposed sessions do not need to relate to quality. The following topics have worked quite well:
- Lies I told my children
- Quitting smoking
- My cabin in the woods
- Riding the subway to work
- Exotic and sexy foods
A stage has been made available in the exhibit hall, a laptop and projector, a hand microphone and sound amplifier, and chairs for the audience, although most will probably choose to stand. All presentations will be loaded and tested, so they flow seamlessly.
Arter will welcome those in the audience, while the 10 presenters line up along the side, facing the stage. He will hand the microphone to the first presenter and start the slides. At the end, Dennis will close the event and encourage conversations with the presenters.
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