Mon, 03/12/2018 - 13:03
People naturally fear change. I hear that all the time, but I don't believe it. What people really fear is the unknown. People actually embrace change if they understand it. We see this when people try to change their habits, their bodies, their… From the Gridiron to the BoardroomThe performance improvement cycle
Mon, 10/05/2015 - 16:56
The adage “if you aren’t moving forward, you’re falling behind” is true more often than not. Regardless of the type of business, all organizations need to improve to survive. The last words uttered by managers in failing organizations are, “We’ve… Jump Start Your Operational Excellence VentureHow to drive completion of lean Six Sigma projects.
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 13:53
You see it all the time. After an initial flurry of excitement and support, an organization’s operational excellence effort bogs down. Regardless of the tools or methodologies used, passion dies down and focus gets diverted to other issues. It… Design for Six Sigma at the Public LibraryHow an Oklahoma library used DFSS for landscape design and contractor selection
Wed, 07/15/2009 - 14:43
When someone mentions design for Six Sigma (DFSS), the initial thought usually turns to developing new, innovative products. While DFSS has its roots in product development, individual components of the toolset can be applied in a variety of ways… Applying Design for Six Sigma Tools in the Hiring Process
Tue, 12/16/2008 - 14:08
The cost of doing business is rising dramatically. Included in this is the cost to recruit and hire talent to join your team. It’s estimated that the total cost of one hire can exceed $30,000 when relocation and set-up expenses are included. That…