Thu, 01/30/2025 - 00:03
In a recent blog, I provided many reasons to apply to be a 2025 Baldrige examiner. The benefits of serving in this volunteer role were conveyed by three highly experienced Baldrige examiners with career expertise from the business, K-12 education,…
Thu, 11/11/2021 - 11:03
When the City of Germantown, Tennessee, was named a Baldrige Award recipient in 2019, the small suburb of Memphis (just 20 square miles in size) became only the fourth city to earn the prestigious, presidential award for organizational excellence.…
Tue, 05/18/2021 - 12:02
If you care about improving your local economy, education, community health, or other aspects of residents’ quality of life, you may benefit from learning about the initiatives of Communities of Excellence 2026. One place you can read a concise…
Tue, 02/11/2020 - 12:02
Robert Rouzer is retired, but he may be busier than ever as a Baldrige volunteer. In recent years, Rouzer has served not only as a Baldrige examiner for the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, but also as a state-level examiner for two Baldrige… Still Improving (and Dancing) Despite Budget CutsThe effect of the Baldrige Award 15 years later
Wed, 02/22/2017 - 12:01
Last month, 2001 Baldrige Award-winning University of Wisconsin-Stout hosted a lively campus engagement session. (See for yourself via this video of the live-streamed event, which kicked off with dancing.) The university holds the “You Said... We… What Does That Have to Do With the Baldrige Excellence Framework?Excellence can turn up in the oddest places
Wed, 10/19/2016 - 15:11
To entertain you, to grab your attention, and (of course) to advance your understanding of the Baldrige Excellence Framework, staff members who contribute to this blog have occasionally written some odd posts—or, at least, given them curious titles… Bringing a Systems Approach to U.S. Population HealthNew framework could provide evidence-based reporting and improve effectiveness of healthcare workforce
Wed, 10/05/2016 - 16:14
Every year a new cohort of Baldrige Executive Fellows gains intensive knowledge about leading organizations to excellence through cross-sector, peer-to-peer learning hosted at the sites of Baldrige Award recipients. Every Baldrige Fellow completes… Baldrige Fans Share Their Criteria-Based ResolutionsThe Baldrige framework applies to everything from golf clubs to vocabularies
Tue, 01/19/2016 - 17:00
A question for devotees of the Baldrige Excellence Framework: Do people who passionately promote continuous improvement within organizations also tend to make New Year’s resolutions to improve their own well-being?
Seriously, I’m wondering if… What It Takes to Improve City GovernmentEl Paso’s chief breaks down the Baldrige Excellence Framework
Wed, 01/13/2016 - 15:20
As a city leader, Tommy Gonzalez started using the Baldrige Excellence Framework in 2008 to achieve operational excellence within a municipal government. In his role as manager of Irving, Texas, at that time, Gonzalez introduced the framework to… Interested in Becoming a Baldrige Examiner?The work and three ‘whys’
Thu, 12/17/2015 - 16:56
Being a Baldrige examiner: What is the experience like? Some have compared the work—especially during the final phase of an evaluation—to being in a rigorous MBA program. Others may find it’s like being part of a dispersed but highly engaged task…