Thu, 09/19/2019 - 12:00
(Conference Board: New York) -- A nationwide survey reveals that Americans are feeling better about their jobs than they have in years, according to a recent poll conducted by the Conference Board.
The survey shows that about 54 percent of U.S.… New Report From The Conference Board: ‘Human Capital Analytics: A Primer’Human capital professionals need better analytical skills to articulate business results
Mon, 11/19/2012 - 10:52
(The Conference Board: New York) -- Today, corporations are embracing and analyzing “big data” to transform business and industries and spur innovation. Despite the plethora of data gathered during the past two decades, human resources functions… Employment Trends Index Rises Slightly in JulyBut this pace is unlikely to be sustained, says The Conference Board
Tue, 08/07/2012 - 12:16
(The Conference Board: New York) -- The Conference Board Employment Trends Index (ETI) edged up in July, after declining in June. The index now stands at 108.11, up from the revised figure of 107.68. The July figure is 5.9-percent higher than a year… Consumer Confidence Index Increases After Four Consecutive DeclinesThe overall index, however, remains at historically low levels
Wed, 08/01/2012 - 17:05
(The Conference Board: New York) -- The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had declined in June 2012, improved slightly in July. The index now stands at 65.9, up from 62.7 in June. The Expectations Index improved to 79.1, from 73.4.… More Efficient Workers May Be Europe’s Economic LifesaverRebalancing through unit labor cost adjustments is underway
Mon, 07/30/2012 - 14:35
Amid continued economic, financial, and political turmoil, several European Union countries are seeing improvement in a crucial measure of competitiveness. According to a new Executive Action Report from The Conference Board, the cost of labor per… U.S. Companies Underperform in Environmental and Social DisclosureNew study places U.S. transparency at half the world average
Thu, 07/26/2012 - 10:05
U.S. corporations continue to lag far behind their counterparts in other developed economies—notably the European Union and Japan—in transparency of environmental and social practices. According to a new study by The Conference Board, the overall… CEO Confidence Declines This QuarterThe Conference Board’s Measure of CEO Confidence dropped 16 points
Fri, 07/06/2012 - 15:26
(The Conference Board: New York) -- The Conference Board Measure of CEO Confidence, which had improved during the first quarter of this year, decreased during the second quarter. The measure now stands at 47, down from 63 last quarter. A reading of… Workers Less Miserable, but Hardly HappyU.S. workers are spending more time commuting to jobs with higher workloads
Wed, 06/27/2012 - 15:54
(The Conference Board: New York) -- Americans of all ages and income brackets have the highest job satisfaction levels since the beginning of the Great Recession. However, the majority continue to be unhappy at work, according to a report released… Corporate Giving Continues to Grow in Dollars and SophisticationEducation, health and social services chief recipients
Wed, 06/06/2012 - 12:00
The first analysis of 2011 corporate giving data, the most recent data available, reveals a majority of corporations worldwide have increased their giving year over year. According to the annual Corporate Giving Standard (CGS) survey, conducted by… The Incredible Disappearing OfficeThere’s a quiet revolution underway about where and how we do our jobs
Fri, 06/01/2012 - 10:49
According to a new report from The Conference Board, the proportion of employees who work predominantly from home or from another remote location has, during the last decade, more than tripled in many industries, while nearly doubling nationwide…