Small Business Lands Big Contracts Following ISO 9001 CertificationAngeles Precision Engineering was losing major contracts because they weren't ISO 9001 registered.
Thu, 08/13/2009 - 05:00
Mario Angeles was stuck. His family-operated machine shop, Angeles Precision Engineering LLC, was busy enough with work farmed out to it by larger shops, but Angeles had been repeatedly rebuffed in his attempts to secure a long-term contract on his… How Accreditation Could Have Prevented an Outbreak of SARSStandards and accreditation can and do save lives.
Mon, 06/15/2009 - 13:04
Geoff Bilau, senior writer for the International Association for Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Group, was awarded first place for his paper by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for describing the importants of quality…