isoTracker Complaints Management Software LaunchedA 60-day, no-cost demo of v. 2 is available
Tue, 04/17/2012 - 15:50
(Lennox: London) -- Lennox Hill Ltd. has launched version 2.0 of its complaints-handling module as part of its long-term plan of continuously adding features and modules to its online isoTracker Quality Management Software.
The upgrade to the… Competency Testing Module for Document Control, QMS PlatformLennox Hill launches fourth addition for isoTracker
Tue, 11/15/2011 - 12:28
(Lennox Hill Ltd.: London, UK) -- Lennox Hill Ltd. has launched a Competency Testing module to further complement its online isoTracker document control/quality management software. The Competency Testing module is the fourth module that makes up… Lennox Hill Adds SSL Encryption to isoTrackerCloud-based QM software just got safer
Tue, 03/15/2011 - 11:13
(Lennox Hill Ltd.: London) -- Lennox Hill Ltd. has included system specification language (SSL) encryption to its isoTracker document control and quality management software. isoTracker is an online hosted platform, also known as cloud software…