Thu, 02/04/2021 - 12:02
New leaders often don’t realize that saying “yes” to leadership requires stepping out of the comfort zone. Avoidance is no longer a strategy.
As a leader, it’s up to you to navigate through the cultural politics, make difficult decisions, and…
Wed, 05/01/2019 - 12:01
In a world where speed is valued, we all waste a lot of time and resources with two unconscious patterns: Chasing opportunity and avoiding important conversations. This article is about two mindsets that increase speed and efficiency.
Speed bump No…
Mon, 03/19/2018 - 12:02
One of the most valuable tools leaders have for driving results and improving performance is conversation. Your conversation can either grow your business or slow your business.
This article offers three examples of ineffective communication…
Tue, 01/09/2018 - 12:02
Many new leaders silently struggle in their leadership role. They avoid difficult conversations about performance because they do not have the confidence or the skill to coach others or facilitate change. Or, they do not have the critical skills to… Leaders Who Listen Control the ConversationSet aside your own agenda and practice discernment
Wed, 08/24/2016 - 15:33
The world needs leadership, and there’s no better way to lead than to listen. A leader who listens controls the conversation, and has the power to build bridges instead of barriers.
Listening requires you to be present, to set aside your own…