Mon, 09/11/2017 - 12:02
A recent article in MIT Sloan Management Review, “Using Scenario Planning to Reshape Strategy,” indicated a resurgence of scenario planning that initially gained recognition during the 1960s and ’70s. Royal Dutch/Shell has been the “poster child”…Mary Drotar
Mary Drotar is partner and Co-founder of Strategy2Market, a product development consulting firm established in 2002. Drotar’s new product development expertise is in process, strategy, business model development, lean techniques, risk management, organizational development, and team dynamics. She has most recently worked with medical device and industrial companies in improving their new product development process with flexible and agile methods.
Drotar is currently co-authoring a book with her business partner, on a new way to develop products called Exploratory Product Development (ExPD). It is an adaptive process that is based on reducing the biggest project uncertainties.
Mon, 09/11/2017 - 12:02