Pitfalls in Experimentation and Data Interpretation, Part 3Bad news sells and bigger is better
Tue, 05/26/2015 - 16:52
Ah, the scientific method. How elegant, how useful—and how easily ignored. The process of studying a problem, formulating a hypothesis, running a controlled experiment, analyzing the resulting data, and then making an objective decision is so… Pitfalls in Experimentation and Data Interpretation, Part 2You can’t judge a cola by a sip or two
Wed, 05/13/2015 - 15:12
We learned in science class that we should use the scientific method to evaluate hypotheses. Yet somehow, once we enter industry we throw that early learning out the window and fall prey to several pitfalls in experimentation and data… Pitfalls in Experimentation and Data Interpretation, Part 1Omitting the experiment and buying snake oil
Wed, 05/06/2015 - 17:30
We learned in science class that we should use the scientific method to evaluate hypotheses. We should study the problem, formulate a hypothesis, run a controlled experiment, analyze the resulting data, and then make an objective decision. We have… Understanding Design of ExperimentsCommon questions and misconceptions
Thu, 03/12/2015 - 17:22
Design of experiments (DOE) is an approach used in numerous industries for conducting experiments to develop new products and processes faster, and to improve existing products and processes. When applied correctly, it can decrease time to market,…