Wed, 04/17/2024 - 12:02
In the healthcare sector, precision isn’t just a requirement. It’s a necessity where the margins for error are perilously thin, and the consequences of inaccuracy can be grave. At the heart of this precision lies the unassuming yet critical load… Morehouse Instrument Offers New Digital Force GaugesRetrofit options also available for analog-type gauges
Wed, 07/26/2017 - 12:00
(Morehouse: York, PA) -- Morehouse Instrument Co. has introduced new types of digital force gauges. These digital gauges offer improved performance and accuracy specifications. Compared to a typical analog ring force gauge with 0.5 percent of full-… Morehouse Introduces a Quick-Change Tension Member Calibration SystemForce application without distortion
Wed, 07/13/2016 - 16:01
(Morehouse: York, PA) -- Morehouse Instrument Co. introduces the quick change tension member calibration system.
This system allows laboratories to calibrate load cells so the force application is not distorted. The spherical used in the tension…