X25 Featured at Control 2012Compact, high-resolution X-ray and CT system looks into small and medium objects
Wed, 05/23/2012 - 12:18
(NSI: Stuttgart/Germany) -- The newly developed X25 computed tomography system from North Star Imaging, designer and manufacturer of digital X-ray equipment and nondestructive testing systems, is a compact system designed for submicron resolution… 4-D X-ray Computed Tomography DevelopedAllows users to reconstruct complete 3-D CT model that includes time and motion
Thu, 04/19/2012 - 11:40
(NSI: Rogers, MN) -- North Star Imaging (NSI) has developed a groundbreaking industrial X-ray technology, 4-D X-ray computed tomography, which NSI calls “4D CT.” NSI’s patent-pending product is considered the future of industrial 3-D X-ray…