Wed, 10/12/2022 - 12:02
In an earlier article in this series, “Cybersecurity and Industry 4.0: What You Need to Know,” we discussed the four aspects of Industry 4.0: cyber-physical systems (CPS)/cobots, internet of things (IoT), cloud manufacturing, and automation, as well…
Wed, 06/08/2022 - 12:01
This morning my favorite local morning news program had an interesting segment on new slang words and what they mean. While the definitions were probably not necessary for millennials or generation Z, but for baby boomers like me, it was an eye-…
Tue, 07/11/2017 - 12:01
Recently a segment on my favorite morning news program stopped me in my tracks. The young and attractive hosts (why are they always so young and attractive?) were demonstrating new appliances, among them a smart refrigerator. The fridge was… Ignoring Cybersecurity Is Risky BusinessTake it from a caution giver
Tue, 01/03/2017 - 08:57
They say opposites attract. Although my husband and I have many important things in common, we are complete opposites in one area. He’s a “risk taker,” and I’m... well, not so much. Rather than being labeled as “risk averse,” I prefer the term “…