Fri, 09/28/2018 - 12:03
Is innovation critical for your business survival and success? Are you dissatisfied with your ability to bring new products and services to market? Surveys show that most business leaders would answer both questions with a yes.
If you want to make… How to Write a Winning Business ProposalMake the first impression count by taking the client’s point of view
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 13:04
The business proposal is an essential document not only for sales people but also for anyone who wants to submit a serious proposition for internal or external approval.
The process starts with a thorough understanding of the stakeholder’s needs,… How to Transfer KnowledgeHere’s a rigorous method developed in the aerospace industry
Wed, 06/10/2015 - 10:54
What happens when someone with a lot of experience leaves your office? She may have many years of technical, marketing, or customer expertise. How will her accumulated knowledge and know-how be captured and transferred to her successor?
In most… Five Requirements for a Successful MeetingEngage your team and reach better decisions
Mon, 06/08/2015 - 16:44
Some meetings serve simply to disseminate information. One person gives a presentation, usually in PowerPoint, and others listen and absorb some of the content. In its method this meeting is really an extension of a school class or university… How Moral Values Boost InnovationDoing the right thing can be a profitable source for differentiation
Tue, 03/10/2015 - 11:38
In 1959 Nils Bohlin, an engineer at the Swedish car manufacturer Volvo, invented the first three-point safety belt. It was far more effective than the standard lap belt, like the ones still used on airplanes. Volvo, realizing the importance of this… Fight GroupthinkTo uncover options
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 13:32
One of the most common obstacles to effective decision making by teams is groupthink. The term is used to describe the observation that many groups make poor decisions because they try to reach a consensus and minimize conflict. In doing so they… Bad Attitudes......Can lead to good innovation
Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:47
I give workshops on creative leadership for major organizations around the world. I always ask delegates, “What is impeding innovation in your business?” The answers often involve cultural issues such as aversion to risk, complacency, or lack of…