Temperature-Controlled Sample Holder and Improved Fiber AnalysisExtend viewing time of vacuum-sensitive and vulnerable samples
Thu, 06/30/2011 - 10:47
(Phenom-World BV: Eindhoven, Netherlands) -- Phenom-World extends the usability of its Phenom G2 desktop scanning electron microscopes (SEM) with its Temperature-Controlled Sample Holder and an improved Fibermetric. The Temperature Controlled… Clear a Space for Latest Desktop Scanning Electron MicroscopePhenom G2 pro offers 45,000X magnification and super-fast loading
Tue, 03/01/2011 - 14:02
(Phenom-World BV: Eindhoven, Netherlands) -- When first launched in 2006, the Phenom desktop scanning electronic microscope (SEM) caused a stir with its 30-second load time, superb image quality, and easy-to-use, touch-screen user interface.…