Tue, 03/06/2018 - 12:01
‘Don’t thank them for anything. They’re the ones who caused this problem.” When I got that message, I thought, “This is all wrong, and there must be something somewhere that says so.” After some searching around, I didn’t find anything to support… New ASQ Certification Adds Focus for Quality Professionals and OthersCommunication with your suppliers will help ensure their success and yours
Mon, 11/28/2016 - 13:44
ASQ has recently offered a new certification, Certified Supplier Quality Professional, specifically for those quality professionals dealing with suppliers. Who are these professionals? Most often the “who” depends on the size of the company.… A Lean Tool to Support Your QMSVisual management communicates ISO 9001:2015 requirements
Thu, 05/28/2015 - 17:06
Overall, lean is the toolbox we should all be using to help eliminate waste—the stuff you don’t want to do, and the stuff your customer’s don’t want to pay for. The best way to eliminate waste is to communicate what it is and what it isn’t.
One of… The Customer Is Always Right. Right?But sometimes you need to guide them to a solution
Wed, 05/25/2011 - 09:55
The customer is always right. Everything we are taught about customer satisfaction is intended to keep us focused on this one principle, and we need to keep this in mind whenever we deal with the customer. Everybody’s business revolves around a…