AQT (Advanced Quality Tools)
AQT (Advanced Quality Tools)
Since 2008, professionally engaged in works in the field of innovative methods of managing complex business systems.
I have unique experience in implementing changes in Russian companies for a significant increase in economic efficiency and the formation of a collaborative environment, using the fundamental scientific principles of E. Deming's management and statistical process control (SPC) methods.
The fundamental scientific principles formalized by Dr. E. Deming are universal. They are applicable for both banks and big businesses, as well as for small businesses and organizations; work successfully in industry, service, health, sports, education, insurance, trade, public administration, etc.
The practical methods used by me to improve systems, processes, technological operations are based on system and statistical thinking, understanding the basics of the theory of knowledge, and some knowledge in the field of psychology. Constant study of the theory, my own research, and analysis of practical applications under my leadership in Russian companies allow me to hone the strength of arguments and depth of judgment.
Open solutions, theoretical materials, products, and services on the site AQT: https://advanced-quality-tools.ru/
Our products and services
«Shewhart Control Charts PRO-Analyst +AI (for Windows, Mac, Linux): https://advanced-quality-tools.ru/software-aqt.html
Consulting services:
• Express inspection of the manufacturing enterprise (quality, processes, methods).
• The expert support of changes.
• Educational seminars and training