The release of Lean In (Knopf, 2013), the new book by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, has grabbed the attention of media and people around conference room tables. Sandberg’s assertion that women in business should “lean in” and make more of an effort to lead has garnered both nods of agreement and head-shakes of disapproval from men and women alike.
As a successful businesswoman in my own right, I acknowledge that women should absolutely do everything they can to take on leadership roles in the workplace. But in addition to “leaning in,” women in the workplace should make “leaning back” a priority. To me, leaning back means bringing other women with you as you achieve.
Water is wet
In all my life, Matriarchy has been and still is the dominant power, often as a Grey Eminence, yet still dominant. That "women should make an effort to help others" is quite a subtle challenge, under which meaning one would read "sisters are doing for themselves". If I could, I'd rather be a "house-husband" and leave to my wife all the job's tasks - just the same as they do in underdeveloped Countries. I don't object women's rise to the top, it's high time that the governing party takes a different look: let's hope for the better. Thank you.
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