Globally, companies are scrambling to reengineer their performance management processes. Unfortunately, many of these initiatives have the wrong priorities.
Too many leaders rely on convoluted human resources processes and rigid rating systems that are time-consuming and disengaging for managers and employees. Although it’s important to evaluate performance, leaders must understand that excellent performance management requires more than metrics.
To be effective, performance management requires streamlined processes, accurate and efficient metrics, and—the frequently overlooked factor—highly talented managers. Gallup’s extensive research and analysis, reported in “State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders,” reveals that companies that hire managers based on their talent for the role realize a 48-percent increase in profitability, a 22-percent increase in productivity, a 30-percent increase in employee engagement scores, a 17-percent increase in customer engagement scores, and a 19-percent decrease in turnover.
Standing on the shoulders of giants
G'Day Chris,
Refreshing article and Gallup suvey results. It seems to confirm the published research and articles by:
I guess Desiderata comes to my mind in building upon people's strength's, good managers and leaders build upon and bring out those inate talents in us all - “If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” American writer Max Ehrmann (1872–1945).
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