Congratulations: You’re new to your organization, and the obligatory “meet and greets” are complete. You have met your team, your supervisor has conveyed expectations, your office is organized and—most important—you now know how to get to and from the coffee machine. The euphoria of getting the new job is over; now, what do you do?
Of all the people you’ve met, which ones do you really need to remember? How will you establish priorities for your team? How will you ensure your team’s products and services are meeting your supervisor’s and customers’ expectations? These questions have been known to plague new and seasoned managers. If not answered, they could cause an abrupt end to your management career.
SIPOC Management
Good idea. What is origin of SIPOC? Any references? Did not see any in the article. Did I miss it? Thanks
Talent Acquisition
Having been a hiring Manager in Fortune 500 and Global 100 organizations for 40 years I was fortunate to make the acquaintance of almost all generations. I did not see but would like to suggest that "Hired Employees" be included in every phase of Talent Acquisition. In his noteworthy book "Gen Why", Eric Chester wrote that Millenials can attract, assess, hire, and onboard other Millenials with the best of HR Professionals. I found that to be true.
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