One of our greatest inventions was the TV remote. Before this clever invention, we had to rise from our cushy chair and walk to the TV to change the channel or adjust the volume. With the TV remote, we are able to change the channel, raise or lower the volume, pause or record a program, fast forward, rewind, or mute the action. Wouldn’t it be neat if we could do the same in real life?
Think about it. How many times a day do you hear someone make a comment or statement for which they have to apologize? Those people need the rewind button so they can rethink their comment and make a new one—perhaps one more positive.
Aren’t there people who you encounter, perhaps at a sports event, who are yelling loudly and maybe uttering blasphemies at the umps, that you wish you could silence? That’s where we need a remote life-mute button.
During the upcoming political season, we will hear debates, view ads on TV, or hear them on the radio. Perfect time for us to use the fast-forward button on the content so we can totally avoid all the talk, mostly about nothing. Of course, any discourse coming out of our nation’s capital these days certainly would be a candidate for the mute button.
How about those times where one of our children or grandchildren say something so sweet or comical or heartwarming that we want to hear it again? This calls for the life rewind.
Article TV Remote
Hi Bill: just to tell you I had always enjoyed your posts and this one is not the exception!
Kind regards from Mexico.
Alfonso Guerrero
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