Most people attribute business disruption to technology, thinking of the iPhone, 3D printing, robotics, and artificial intelligence. However, technology alone does not cause disruption. The iPhone didn’t succeed because of its technology; it succeeded because it met customer needs better than any other product at the time did.
If we’re all driving electric cars in five years, we will point to Tesla’s technology as disruptive—yet the electric car was invented in 1837. Electric car technology was not disruptive in 1839 or even in 1939 because customers didn’t want it then. But even if they are subconscious at times, customer needs and demands change, and those changes are the real source of disruption.
Thank you!
Taking care of needs, really?
Thank you for the nice article. This is very much in line with the presentations I have given on Quality 4.0. The customer experience ultimately is analog and it is the analog content that will determine success, not the digital delivery. In the music industry everything has been digitized but no person buys a song because it is digital, they buy it because they like the song. There is all too often a mixup of means and goals!
It is about the customer!
Thank you very much, Suman, for your excellent reseach and summary. I agree, The Customer is always "the strategy" and source of success.
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