’Tis that time of year, when the elves at QD set down their chisels, hammers, and stone slates for a week. We’ll be grinning in sweaters and clutching beverages somewhere, like the rest of you. Then we’ll be back, bright and early at the crack of January, to begin another year of reporting on all things quality. And all that sounds fine, but somehow I’m not feeling it. At the moment I’m having myself an unsettled little Christmas.
Being of relatively sound mind and with a bent toward practical action, I decided to treat this distress like any other work problem. So I made a cup of tea, sat down at the computer, and stared out the window while the tea wreathed steam beside me. Ready, set, think. After a bit I realized the unease wasn’t moving from the inside out but rather from the outside in. Usually it’s the other way around. I’m my own worst enemy in most cases but can generally course-correct without much fuss. In this case, however, I was still lost at sea.
Maybe a few 5 Whys were in order? Certainly they couldn’t hurt:
If it’s not you, then why aren’t you feeling it?
Because the atmosphere of the country seems fractured, glum, and uneasy.
Wonderfully put, Taran. There are no right answers, but there are wrong questions... like any time any of us start by asking, "Why can't she/he/they just..." No. Stop. Start again. "Why can't I just..." Better. We can only change our own responses and behaviors, but if enough of us do, it can change everything. Thanks so much for a deeply thoughtful piece. Happy holidays! (And by the way, I very much miss your scones...)
Amen AND amen brother Mike
Seems easy, but... well... actually it is easy. Like you said, if our first step is to STOP... rather than SPEAK, we are more than half way there. I would add that we have to not care whether or not the other person does the same. My responsibility is to control what I do and hopefully set an example for others. I think it's also important that we not focus on what that person's opinion is, but rather why they believe the way they do. So ask them. Most of the time you will find that they are coming from the same place you are, want the same thing, but you disagree on how to get there. Understanding a person's motivations goes a long way toward understanding... even if not agreeing.
Wonderfully put guys. Happy
Wonderfully put guys.
Happy Holidays!
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