Credit: Vincent Macaluso
According to Forbes, employees whose voices are heard are nearly five times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work.
Every team leader must keep their employees engaged and motivated so that they can benefit from their expertise. They can achieve this by taking a holistic approach to managing their employees’ ideas and by using tools such as ideation software to facilitate collaboration across departments.
This article gives a quick overview of what your approach to engagement should consist of and how idea management software can help make it a possibility.
Empower your team to solve existing problems
A perfect way to empower your team and significantly improve engagement is to encourage them to provide solutions to existing problems.
HBS Research
HBS Research showes that effectively engaging employees in improving the economics of your business, economic engagement, drives substantially higher profit growth. Details are found in this article: https://www.inc.com/bill-fotsch/a-key-strategy-to-double-your-profitable-growth.html
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