It’s too bad that so many rely on their intuition for their decision-making process. From former President Donald Trump, to Steve Jobs, and even allegedly Mark Twain, gut reactions are viewed as something almost magical, acquired either by hard-earned experience or possessed by a select few young genius CEOs who deserve a top-notch pay package. Top gurus reinforce such beliefs with their advice.
Yet research in behavioral economics and cognitive neuroscience shows that even one training session can significantly improve the quality of one’s decision-making ability.
4-Sigma is the best you can do with gut-feel
The best data I've seen in healthcare about a 1% error rate (4-sigma).
That's as far as you can get with gut-feel, common sense and trial-and-error.
To achieve Zero Harm and 6-sigma, you will need control charts, Pareto charts, histograms and fishbone diagrams.
Pledge allegiance to science and evidence. It will make your life a lot simpler and easier to manage. And it only takes a little more rigor, not a lot more.
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