The monumental battle over remote work is heating up this summer as more traditionalist business leaders demand that their employees come to the office much or all of the time. Yet what these traditionalist executives are failing to realize is that the drama, stress, and tensions caused by their demands won’t matter. Remote work will win this fall.
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Facts out of order. Priorities out of order too.
"[The vaccine] was formulated for the original omicron strain BA.1, not BA.5, ..."
This is not true. The vaccines pre-date Omicron, and they were developed for the original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2: not any variant that is circulating today.
"The only obstacle is the personal, selfish orientation of traditionalist leaders, who need to recognize the danger they are posing to the success of their companies if they pursue their backward-looking, coercive efforts to get their staff to return to the office."
I think that the damage is already done.
Any company that moved to implement President Biden's [...] vaccine requirements, prior to letting the relevant court challenges play out, demonstrated how little they care for their employees as human beings. There is nothing more selfish or coercive than forcing people to take experimental pharmaceutical products because it might be inconvenient for you to stand up on behalf of your employees' conscience or autonomy.
Threatening people's livelihoods over a private medical decision (it is now a matter of public record that the jabs do not prevent viral transmission) is an unforgivable slight against human decency. Asking you to come into work, quite simply, is not.
[This comment has been modified by QD editors. One word removed]
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