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Vickie L. Milazzo
The release of Lean In (Knopf, 2013), the new book by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, has grabbed the attention of media and people around conference room tables. Sandberg’s assertion that women in business should “lean in” and make more of an effort to lead has garnered both nods of agreement and…
Jack Dunigan
Motivation is a very personal thing, so when you find it alive and well within a co-worker, it’s in your best interest (and theirs) to do everything you can to keep it vibrant. The challenge with those who would be motivators is they easily disconnect themselves from others’ perspectives.
Global Monitoring
(Global Monitoring LLC: Springfield, PA) -- Nomadic Safety has installed remote monitors on its safety trailers to track operating parameters. The remote monitors will help reduce maintenance costs and improve customer service related to the performance of safety trailers used on remote works sites…
Mehul Shah
Q uality management has gone through considerable change in a relatively short period. The transition from paper and manual processes to point solutions was revolutionary in and of itself. Using software to automate processes that were once done by hand has increased efficiency, reduced…
Matthew Littlefield
We’ve established that executives who focus on aligning and then optimizing people, processes, and technology in operational excellence models will position their organizations for success. This is true in quality, manufacturing, energy management, and other critical operational focal points.
Dimensional Control Systems DCS
(DCS: Troy, MI) -- Dimensional Control Systems Inc. (DCS) and InspectionXpert Corp. have announced that \QDM Quality Management System software will deliver extended data integration with InspectionXpert that will streamline first-article inspection report authoring and management. This integration…
Tripp Babbitt
The focus for management and support staff when diagnosing problems with customers is squarely on the front line. Many times the failure is diagnosed with the phrase, “If they would just follow the procedure, none of these problems would ever have happened.” If only resolving customer issues were…
Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new microscope able to view and measure an important but elusive property of the nanoscale magnets used in an advanced, experimental form of digital memory. The new instrument already has demonstrated its…
Bob Cramblitt
Throughout history we've seen it: innovation held back by some elemental impediment in the product development pipeline. Computing speed slowed by balky I/O buses or insufficient software. Super-fast trains derailed by tracks that can't handle their speed. Design innovation slowed by red tape and…
Marsh Bellofram
(ATC DigiTec: Newell, WV) -- The Automatic Timing Control (ATC) DigiTec Division of Marsh Bellofram Corp. has introduced to the global market its highly compact 758-GF86/XF86 series of industrial open-face AC tachometer generators. These tachometers, part of the WESTCON product line, are designed…
Reis Robotics
Reis Robotics has established that it is possible to save plenty of energy even in the energy-intensive die-casting industry without negatively affecting the product. The following article describes how this is done at Pierburg, a tier-one supplier for the German automotive industry.
The Blue…
Kimberly Egan
My boyfriend and I were recently discussing why it is that wine on an airplane tastes so terrible. The only perk these days in many first-class cabins is a free glass of gawdawful wine. Just gawdawful. Why?
It turns out that airline food and wine taste terrible because you are consuming them on…
(SICK: Minneapolis) -- SICK, manufacturer of sensors, safety systems, machine vision, and automatic identification products, has launched the WTB4 MultiLine Photoelectric sensor. The WTB4 uses specially designed optics to create two line-shaped light spots to continuously detect objects with large…
American Sensor Technologies AST
Selecting the best electrical connection option for a pressure transducer requires some forethought. Given the increase in third-party agency approvals and expanded use of transducers and transmitters in commercial and industrial applications, the available options have grown and made the process…
Marilyn Wheatley
Recently, Minitab News featured an article that talked about how to perform a gauge repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) study with multiple operators and only one part. This prompted many users to contact Minitab’s technical support team with questions about next steps, such as: “What can…
Quality Transformation With David Schwinn
As I was waiting to talk to my wife, Carole, about some inconsequential topic a few days ago, I noticed an attractive coffee-table book, titled China: People, Places, and Paradox. It was written and produced by our daughter, Lisa, as a photo journal of a recent trip to China we took together. I…
Michelle LaBrosse
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “change?” For many of us, words like anxious, overwhelmed, or unknown pop into our heads. Why is it that changes and transitions bring on so much negative energy? One hypothesis is that we may be wired to fear change.
Imagine our…
Akhilesh Gulati
Editor’s note: This article continues the series exploring structured innovation using the TRIZ methodology, a problem-solving, analysis, and forecasting tool derived from studying patterns of invention found in global patent data.
As the executive council got down to business for the day,…
Bill Kalmar
Recent articles in the news have concluded that “72 is the new 30.” Evidently breakthroughs in medicine, better eating habits, regular exercise, refraining from smoking and alcoholic beverages, and adopting a positive attitude have dramatically increased our longevity.
As I turn 70 this month (…
Cody Steele
Statistician to the Stars William Briggs deserves credit for his correct prediction of the Best Picture Oscar the day before the ceremonies this year. Although Briggs would never encourage anyone to misuse his model this way, I feel my statistics heartstrings strummed by the desire to remind…
Timothy F. Bednarz
When there is a problem, where do leaders begin to address it? A good place to start is going to the employees directly affected by the problem and asking questions about the issue—without it seeming like an inquisition. Developing a tactical approach to questioning employees to understand…
Oscar Combs
ISO 9001 is much more than a standard. It should be part of a company’s strategic plan rather than something to get certified to because customers require it. The guidelines and quality principles in ISO 9001 are just good business practices.
Throughout my career in quality, I’ve often been amazed…
Michael Causey
A prominent politician goes before his constituents during a tough reelection campaign. He’s introduced by the local mayor, and strides to the stage, waving and smiling to enthusiastic applause.
“It’s great to be here with you tonight. I love this great state of [fill in the blank]. Erica and I…
James Brewton
Much has been written about the need for standardized work to maximize worker efficiency and process performance. And rightly so. Without standardized work, huge variances in efficiency and effectiveness are virtually inevitable. Studies indicate there can be as much as a 200-percent difference…
Gorur N. Sridhar
Gauge repeatability and reproducibility (gauge R&R) is mostly used in manufacturing environments to determine if you can trust your measurement system to distinguish between parts, if the measuring tool is consistent, and if measurements are consistent across operators.
In this article we…