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According to a study of Georgia’s manufacturing climate, the state’s manufacturing companies are optimistic about the economic recovery and are planning more hiring and expansion in the next three years. However, the same survey revealed that 20 percent of Georgia’s manufacturers have lost…
Aegis, a leader in industrial software in manufacturing productivity, and Statit’s e-Server technology will be combined to provide Web-based SPC reporting to Aegis’ customers. Aegis will now integrate its Manufacturing Execution System into Statit Software’s e-Server technology. Aegis’…
The second annual "Successfully Implementing Six Sigma in Health Care" conference will be held March 25 and 26 in New Orleans. Among issues that will be discussed are: Adapting Six Sigma to the health care environment and overcoming cultural and professional differences to other…
Would you spend millions of dollars for a return of more than a billion? Sure you would, but that’s just a fantasy, right? It wasn’t just a pipedream for GE’s CEO Jack Welch, who expected to reap a hefty return for every dollar his company spent on Six Sigma. Needless to say, he did. In 1997, GE…
Would you spend millions of dollars for a return of more than a billion? Sure you would, but that’s just a fantasy, right? It wasn’t just a pipedream for GE’s CEO Jack Welch, who expected to reap a hefty return for every dollar his company spent on Six Sigma. Needless to say, he did. In 1997, GE…
What roles do quality and quality management systems play in a business sector facing revolution? The term isn’t too strong for what’s currently underway in the telecommunications industry. Competitive pressures and customer demands are driving the sector to introduce next-generation network…
To succeed in our increasingly competitive global economy, many companies have implemented lean manufacturing, a step beyond just-in-time production systems. Other companies claim they’re "lean" but hedge on the concept. They maintain work-in-progress inventories because they fear the consequences…
Contrary to what alarmists with an interest in fueling controversy might say, ISO 9001 is still on the rise-and with good reason. The standard is capable of producing the desired results (i.e., consistent quality in goods and services globally), and its full potential is yet to be realized.…
Brown and Sharpe USA, a member of Hexagon Metrology Group, has chosen Metris as its strategic partner for noncontact scanning solutions. As a result of the newly forged alliance, Brown and Sharpe will promote Metris’ range of laser scanners and inspection and reverse engineering software…
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has addressed its metrologist training backlog by offering an electronic mass measurement training course. The free multimedia CD-ROM covers NIST’s basic one-week mass metrology courses. It includes interactive activities, knowledge…
Renishaw and its Slovenian partner, RLS Merilina Tehnika d.o.o., have allied their capabilities to produce a new range of miniature magnetic rotary encoders. The frictionless, noncontact encoders are offered in absolute and incremental output formats. They will be manufactured by RLS in…
Cognex Corp. has launched the Cognex Certified Vision Integrator program in North America. The program provides training, sales and marketing materials, software updates and special pricing for CVIs. "Cognex CVIs are among the most highly skilled vision experts in the world," says Kris…
DVT Corp., an integrated machine vision provider, and Phoenix Contact Inc., a provider of industrial connection, packaging and communications technologies, have formed a strategic partnership. Under the terms of the alliance, Phoenix will brand label a power supply and Ethernet I/O…
AccuMetria has become a SolidWorks Solution Partner with the introduction of its new product, CMMWorks. CMMWorks is an off-line programming tool used to create and optimize inspection programs for coordinate measuring machines. "We’re excited to have AccuMetria join the Solution…
MTS Systems Corp. has released its CAE Calibrator for NASTRAN, a software application that enables NASTRAN users to leverage test and external data to compare, correlate, calibrate and automatically update computer-aided engineering models for structural dynamics. The offering was…
Brown and Sharpe has reached an agreement with the state of Rhode Island to relocate its operations to the Quonset Davisville Port and Commerce Park, located in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Under the agreement, the Rhode Island Economic Development Corp. will build a new facility at…
How many dimensional data points are enough to accurately describe a part feature? The key to answering this question is understanding the stability of the manufacturing process. In general, components should be measured only as often as required to ensure the stability of manufacturing processes.…
Jack Welch had a unique vision of an organization that made data-based decisions. At times his tactics for bringing this about were described as “violent,” “abrupt” and “painful,” but his methods worked. GE’s transformation is still a modern model of how to make quantum shifts in the way a huge…
The third quarter of this year has proven lucrative for Veeco Instruments Inc., which has received $5.6 million in orders for its Vx series atomic force profilers from semiconductor customers in Asia and Japan.
The metrology tools, used for in-line process control in 200 mm and 300 mm fabs,…
Solstice Software Inc. has released Integra Enterprise 4.0, a commercialized, enterprise-class integration testing suite. Integra Enterprise 4.0 enables visibility and control of the messaging backbone of mainframe integration, Web services and other complex software integration…
Spectra-Physics has launched a major expansion of its operations in China with the creation of a new subsidiary that provides in-country sales, service and support from its Beijing headquarters. Spectra intends to use its new, self-contained subsidiary as a springboard to continued…
Mitutoyo America has named Kerley Corp. an exclusive dealer of Mitutoyo CMMs and vision systems in Southern California.
Kerley Corp., formed in 1979, boasts a 1,500 sq. ft. facility and a state-of-the-art showroom featuring Mitutoyo’s newest CMM and vision equipment. "Our mission is not only to…
Coordinate measuring machines gather data by means of a probe or sensor. Conventional CMMs equipped with touch-trigger probes can use a stitch-scanning method to record point streams from part surfaces. In stitch scanning, the CMM lifts the probe head from the surface of the part, moves it slightly…
Many Americans feel like the winds of change have blown away from them. They turn out on Election Day to provide a gust that blows back to local, state and federal power centers, where the clashing breezes become tornadoes. Consequently, many citizens are left with a sticky, humid feeling of…