Can AI improve management practices? Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash
Nearly everyone by now has experienced artificial intelligence (AI) in some capacity. It has become part of our lives, from interactive voice assistants (e.g., Alexa, Siri) to Face ID on smart phones , virtual filters on apps, and algorithms on search engines and screening sites that use our behaviors to suggest what we might like or should buy next. I even found an interesting usage of AI as part of a research program in California, where drones search for sharks near the beach and send texts to folks who signed up to be in the know. Drone footage is fed into “a computer vision machine learning model... to train it to detect great white sharks near Padaro Beach.”
It makes me curious. What are other ways—some being used now and some not yet dreamed about—that AI could support U.S. businesses and other organizations?
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