Recently, during one of my many adventures across the internet, I stumbled across a photo that struck me. It depicts an aisle of a U.S. drugstore, where nearly every single product facing has a tag on it announcing a price and a limited-time promotion. The entire row is covered with bright yellow tags, begging anybody passing to see what the fuss is about. However, my only thought (and others’, too, judging by the top comments on the post this picture was featured in), was, “I would hate to have been the one to put all those tags up.”
It’s a common sight. Many drugstores, grocery stores, and big box chains use this tactic to communicate not only new sales, but also everyday prices that they claim are lower than the competition. I reached out to a friend who, once upon a time, worked at one of these grocery stores, where his responsibilities included adjusting pricing displays.
Great article
One of the benefits of Costco
This is not entirely accurate. Costco does have a monthly "sale". They send out a circular once a month with the products that are discounted from their everyday price. It's usually the same products on a rotating schedule, so you can plan and time your purchases to coordinate with these discounts.
Itis not a new concept
The Amazon Go is not a new copncept, we have had similar systems in the main groceery stores in Sweden cince at least 10 years. The only difference is that one has to grab a special wireless scanner that you get automatically when you log in and hand back when you log out and pay with your credit card. Since about a year one can use the smartphone instead of the scanner
give and take
That also helps with restocking; you have to put it back if you don’t want to be charged. No more socket sets in the deli or cookies in the clothing isle. I can also see this helping with theft.
It’s an amazing time, but the more we speed up the more I find myself wanting to slow down. My kids have no patience for anything, it’s all about instant gratification. Now you can run in and run out. My only thought is when did we start cramming so much into everyday life that we no longer have the time to even shop? So many sifi movies that I laughed at in the past are coming true! We can’t even talk to other people without an electronic buffer. It is an amazing advancement but here again we are giving up more human contact and interaction.
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