Every company I speak at, every leader I coach, I see a constant pattern: Virtually everyone sees struggle as something negative.
At the heart of this perception, people get too caught up in the idea of struggle to consider what struggle at its core is all about. Most people cannot see themselves objectively, which leads them to fall into the gap of their own weaknesses and shortcomings.
Faced with struggle, most people are likely turn to one of these four behaviors:
• Deny. Many refuse to acknowledge the role of their own weaknesses in their struggle.
• Turn around. Some accept their weakness but are always looking for a cul-de-sac so they can turn around instead of facing them.
• Change. Some change their direction altogether.
• Leverage. A few are able to accept their weaknesses and work to leverage them—to work on them and turn them into strengths.
Faced with these options, your success depends on the choice you make.
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