The times they are a-changing... and so is the nature of our work. As our familiar world crumbles around us (thanks, Covid-19), and technology continues snapping up more of the tasks humans have always done, we’ll need a whole new set of skills. If we want to stay employed and viable, we must reinvent ourselves. Leaders. Employees. Everyone.
This isn’t like adding new rooms onto an old house; it’s more like tearing it down to the foundation and rebuilding. The new world we’re entering has flipped everything upside down. The skills, mindsets, and ways of being that were once prized and sought after have actually become liabilities.
In a nutshell, we must all be able to continuously learn, unlearn, and relearn by adapting to the reality of the world as it evolves. This isn’t easy, considering our inherent ego-driven need to defend what we think we know. It requires a whole new way of being and a whole new way of working—which, in turn, requires a whole new way of leading.
With these things in mind, let’s look at seven skills and attitudes that not long ago might have gotten you a corner office—but may now get you fired.
Old School
I can't comment on the whole piece, just a hole in the piece.
Suppose you are right, we all have to get comfortable with our and others emotions as we adjust to ever changing Tech. But I don't believe Tech can constantlly change without Old School STEM knowledge and reason. And I believe that leading by emotion will lead to mob rule which I abhor.
William H. Pound, PhD and Old School
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