In a harsh global economy, great service is the price of admission. Companies whose cultures aren’t built around the ability and the willingness—no, the eagerness—to delight the customer won’t survive. You know this. And if you’re a leader at a global enterprise, no doubt you’ve gained more than a few gray hairs worrying about it.
It’s true: Transforming a culture that crosses many boundaries is no small task. But I have a question that might put it all in perspective: If an entire nation can build a service-based brand and culture, what’s stopping you?
If you’ve never heard of Mauritius, take note. This small island nation is now doing what your company can and should be doing—and it’s starting to do it very well.
Before the global recession, Mauritius was a popular vacation destination for Europeans. In recent years, though, it has struggled to compete for the reduced number of tourists coming out of Europe. So one of the nation’s largest hospitality companies, LUX Resorts (at the time named Naiade Resorts), decided to take on a gargantuan task—to contribute to the national culture with a powerful dose of uplifting service.
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