If you’re like most business-to-business (B2B) suppliers, you’re probably making certain predictable mistakes that can greatly affect your ability to compete. Unless your company has smarter employees, some inherent unassailable advantage, or a markedly different approach to satisfying customers, those competitors always seem to throttle your growth. But what if you and your competitors were committing some serious mistakes that stunt organic growth—and you corrected them? Wouldn’t that be enough to propel you to the front of the line?
You already know that organic growth makes for a stronger company. It just makes sense to grow from within by developing outstanding products and services that win over new customers and keep current ones coming back. The alternatives are to grow via debt financing or an army of flush-with-cash buyers on a spending spree—and clearly, neither is easy to come by these days. The problem is, your competitors are playing by the same rules. But you can outwit them simply by putting a halt to the mistakes you (and they) are making right now.
Dan Adams' Article
Superb, insightful, and "inciteful."
This should get some interesting conversations going.
All the best,
Bill Corcoran
Mission: Saving lives, pain, assets, and careers through thoughtful inquiry.
Motto: If you want safety, peace, or justice, then work for competency, integrity, and transparency.
W. R. Corcoran, Ph.D., P.E.
Nuclear Safety Review Concepts Corp.
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