Last spring my dog, Buddy, started chasing chipmunks. They would quickly escape into one of their holes in the ground, where he would dig for a few minutes, then give up. Then one day a chipmunk ran into the mouth of the corrugated plastic pipe that carries excess rainwater away from my backyard.
Unlike the extensive tunnels and multiple exits of the ground squirrel’s burrow, this pipe had only one way out. The rodent was safe, but trapped. Nevertheless, Buddy was determined to get him. By the time I noticed, he had dug up 20 feet of pipe that had been buried several inches underground.
The pipes were ruined, as was a good section of my landscaping. It took me, and my sons, nearly a day to repair. Not wanting a repeat occurrence, I needed a way to seal off the exit hole of the pipe that would block chipmunks, but not water.
As auditor, I'm used to corrective and/or preventive action; the last thing I see in companies is creative action, their motto being let the sleeping dog lie, unless urged by competition. This is no news: also "a" Mr. Darwin seems to have established an equation competition = creativity. Creative thinking cannot, must not be ruled: our culrure still makes a big confusion between creation and ruling, if there was chaos at the beginning of creation, then ruling came on stage - that's our vision. If there must be a rule is that creative thinking has to be free of rules, of constraints. But we, humans, who dream of what happened us, or thought, three days before, can really be creative?
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