I want a staff entirely populated by trusted associates; everyone does. But hardly anyone has a staff who functions at that level all the time. At some time, somewhere, someone is unaware—that is to say, they are unconsciously incompetent.
Louis the intern functioned at that level more than any other but was blissfully unaware of his incompetence. The operative word here is “blissfully.” Louis had never been put up against visible, measureable, cognitive standards of awareness and performance to the point where he could grasp his incompetence. Because he didn’t know that he didn’t know, in his state of foggy standards, he appraised himself to be above average.
Effective leaders cyclically expose followers to concepts, skills, ideas, and tasks they don’t already know. This is called growth. Notice I said “cyclically.” I didn’t say “continually” or “regularly.” To do so regularly or continually provokes frustration, anger, fatigue, dismay, and deflation.
People need positive reinforcement and a sense of accomplishment if they are to remain motivated. They also need to be challenged if they are to avoid arrogance and self-righteousness. But don’t nag; it works against you.
Leader or Manager?
Thank you, Mr. Dunigan. I already commented on the difference between Leaders and Managers: we all too often name Leaders people who are actually "only" Managers. The Skills and Roles you list are more appropriate to Managers, than to Leaders; Managers are given executive, operational tasks, while Leaders - as the term means - lead, or have to lead. Therefore, Leaders' Visions must address - but not be limited to, of course - to what things are, or "as is" awareness. Man cannot - and will never - live on Improvement alone.
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