Story update 4/3/2013: The author replaced his earlier chart example with an explanation of how to set up an Xbar chart.
Unlike the difficult "third album," the one that is supposed to be a real challenge following the first two musical productions, my third album in the Seven Quality Tools suite is quite easy to compose. Why? Because I'm fortunate in having access to the vast swathes of research that many statisticians have contributed about the control chart, which is the subject of this column.
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Simple-yes and no
Well....not as simple as you think.
The "proper" calculation for control limits use an average (local) dispersion statistics not the global formula you suggest. This use of a local statistic minimizes the effect of out-of -contol points on the limits. As Wheeler says: You get Good Limits from Bad Data.
Read Wheeler....and then read him again.
Rich DeRoeck
Thanks for the comment Rich,
Hey Paul great job. I read
Hey Paul great job. I read your first and second part also of Ninja, and I liked this article of control chart also. You have a great calibar of putting your ideas precisely and effectively. Waiting for your other articles. javascript chart
Calculation of Standard Deviation
Be prepared for questions when people ask you, "Why don't I get the same limits as Minitab?" -- because one should never use the "typical" calculation of standard deviation for control limits, which is what you describe (As I say to people I teach regarding that, "What part of 'never' don't you understand?"). If there are special causes, as there seem to be in your data, this estimate will be inflated, sometimes seriously.
Given the way you describe the data collection, there are also a couple of different ways you could calculate it -- Wheeler has discussed this in his many "rational subgrouping" columns.
And your alleged special cause -- Point 7 is indeed below the limit. Maybe it isn't even the special cause. Rather than that one point below the limit, one should investigate a possible process shift that seems to settle in around observations 16-17. This SHIFT might be the special cause and Point 7 could actually be common cause before the shift took place! That said...
...I'd also be concerned about points 5 and 6, which could be a special cause in "process 1" -- as could points 21 and 22 in "process 2." With the data, one could see whether the moving ranges from point 4 to 5 and point 6 to 7 might be might the moving ranges from 20 to 21 and 22 to 23. You get the idea -- it's not just as simple as calculating limits and looking for points outside the limits.
And if you sub-grouped the data (a possibility given the way you collected it), then the moving range isn't appropriate. BUT...calculating the standard deviation correctly, THAT is what might flag points 5 and 6 and 21 and 22 as special causes (outside the limits) with their appropriate center lines if the shift is confirmed.
I appreciate what you're trying to do in these columns on the tools, but I just couldn't let these (relatively) common teaching errors about calculating the standard deviation or interpretation get a free pass.
Just goes to show you, a statistician's favorite answer is, "It depends." If only it were so simple. Rather than teach people tools, we should try to teach them how to ask better questions to change conversations.
Davis Balestracci
Great comment Davis, I love
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