Editor's note: Dan Nelson will be a guest on Quality Digest LIVE Friday March 14, 2014, at 11 a.m. Pacific.
Bill Cosby once did a routine about a funny aspect of human nature: How we all seem to have a hard time believing the obvious.
So Cosby pulls some milk out of the fridge. He sniffs it. It’s unbelievably rancid, and disgust and nausea instantly register on his face. He holds the carton away from himself, and once able to breathe, proclaims that the milk is sour. Someone nearby takes the carton and sniffs it. “Yep,” confirms this second witness, gagging at the vile odor, “the milk is definitely bad.”
“Here, let me smell it,” says another, who almost passes out from the smell—but not before another requests, “Let me smell it!”
An issue I'm currently facing
I'm sure the good readers of Quality Digest will be shocked to hear this, but I'm currently facing this issue, as I inherited a QMS that was 'designed' around the ISO 9001 standard. Not only that, but it was designed around the old 1994 standard! So, it might as well be written in Latin for all the use it is.
Great Article
This was very helpful! As a Project Manager who works closely with Quality Engineers towards certification, this really helped clear up some misconceptions. Very well written, thank you......and Go Hawks!
Thanks for your kind words.
Spoiled milk from 1994--yum!
What, truly, is spoiled here?
Is it the poorly written, nearly incomprehensible standard (For example: 7.2.1 Determination of requirements related to the production vs 7.2.2, Review of the requirements related to the product), or is the implementation that smells?
Poor implementation of quality management
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