For discussion: We were intrigued with the idea that well-meaning parents and kids get so over-involved in sports that they lose site of what most likely was their original goal--family unity. How do you feel this translates to the work/family balance? Click the ADD COMMENT link beneath this article and let us know what you think. --Editors
When I was growing up in the Dark Ages, sports played a part in our lives but not to the extent that it has over-occupied the lives of families today. Organized sports at school took place during the week, and there were no games on the weekend. During the summer we would join a park team in the neighborhood and maybe play one or two games a week. And at times, groups of us would set up a game of baseball in a field near home and play until the street lights came on. Those were wonderful days. We were able to balance our love of sports without infringing on family time.
Vince had it right
Think of only three things: your God, your family and the Green Bay Packers-in that order.
- Vince Lombardi
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