Sseems the Diet Police are once again running rampant in our nation. It has been said that close to 30 percent of Michigan residents are overweight, and thus there is a movement afoot to curtail our eating habits, not only in that state but also nationally. Believe it or not, there is some discussion about removing obese children from their parents so that some nutritionist can instill sound eating habits into the youngsters. Perhaps the next step will be to remove children from homes inhabited by smokers, alcoholics, people who drive foreign cars, or people who root for the Detroit Lions (just had to get that last comment in there).
Where does all this madness end? Frankly, if we’re removing children, I vote for rescuing little girls from the claws of mothers who feature them on that ridiculous program, Toddlers and Tiaras, where dressing in provocative outfits is the norm. Now that is something we should be concerned about, not someone who is a bit chunky.
So, do your own thing
Please feel free to eat whatever you want. But, when it's time for the triple bypass, be sure you pay all of your hospital bills out of your own pocket - no insurance, no charity care. Can't get into the ambulance without a Visa card. Well, that's the good old American pioneer spirit, right?
It is often said that you cannot legislate behavior. How is it that seatbelt usage has risen dramatically? Simple - You legislate consequences. No belt - Pay up.
You are already being coerced into not smoking, eating better, and exercising more by private insurance companies who charge higher rates for smokers and higher rates for whomever they deem appropriate (i.e. sick people)
So, make sure that the government doesn't coerce you - Let's leave that to private industry. We all know how well they will look out for your welfare.
Public policy can't be anecdotal. All those kids running around on the soccer field doesn't counterbalance the much larger population of kids who get no exercise. Obesity rates going through the roof for both adults and kids can't be wished away. Other than "let them get fat - serves them right," do you perceive a problem? Any solutions that will sit well with you?
Mr. Leahy's Response
I agree with the article. I think you, Mr. Leahy, are missing the point. That is, what business is it of yours or the government's whether or not little Johnny eats different stuff than you do and gets obese because of it? Your last question, "Any solutions that sit well with you?" does not deserve or require an answer in this country of individual liberty. It assumes, and wrongly so, that we the people or the government at any level, have to come up with a solution for this. The Constitution doesn't say so, does it? The Declaration of Independence declares that we have the right to be free from an oppressive government that wants to deprive us of the ability to make our own decisions about our personal lives.
Jeff Greer FAI Quality Manager
On who's authority?
Thomas Jefferson
If people let government decide what foods they eat
and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a
state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.
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