(Bruker: Santa Barbara, CA) -- Bruker has released its second-generation Inspire infrared (IR) nanocharacterization system, which features 10-nm spatial resolution infrared chemical mapping in an easy-to-use, laser-safe package. With IR EasyAlign, Inspire simplifies scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy (sSNOM), a powerful technique for identifying chemical composition at the nanoscale. For the first time, the highest resolution nanoscale chemical mapping is now widely accessible. The system expands on Bruker’s PeakForce Tapping technology to provide new information for graphene research, polymers, complex materials, and thin films, instantly correlating chemical maps with sample properties, such as modulus, conductivity, and work function. Inspire accomplishes all of this at the highest spatial resolution, making it an exceptionally powerful and versatile nanochemical characterization system.
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