Recently a segment on my favorite morning news program stopped me in my tracks. The young and attractive hosts (why are they always so young and attractive?) were demonstrating new appliances, among them a smart refrigerator. The fridge was equipped with all kinds of high-tech features including touchscreen displays, a camera inside that allows you to see the contents, and wi-fi connectivity. You can see inside your fridge while grocery shopping, how convenient! But I must ask, how secure is it?
The internet of things (IoT) is revolutionizing everything from home appliances, nanotechnology, and cloud computing, to manufacturing. Advancements are enabling manufacturers to become more innovative, productive, efficient, and globally competitive. Computers, the internet, and digital devices are positively affecting communication, operations, product developments, and more. But as we increase our connectivity, we must also be aware of the importance of cybersecurity for manufacturers.
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