Many new leaders silently struggle in their leadership role. They avoid difficult conversations about performance because they do not have the confidence or the skill to coach others or facilitate change. Or, they do not have the critical skills to determine the root problem of poor performance, so their decisions are based on assumptions rather than analytical thinking.
These managerial mistakes contribute to a culture of mistrust and disempowerment. Executives can use the following short list to determine the root causes of leadership failures within their organizations.
1. Failing to develop new leaders
2. Avoiding performance conversations
3. Taking it personally
4. Making assumptions
5. Using accountability the wrong way
Inadequate development
A good technical worker is not necessarily a born leader. Newly selected leaders often experience an identity crisis due to lack of leadership development. The new leader has not had the time or development necessary to identify with the new role as leader. As a result, this new leader makes rookie mistakes.
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