The other day I observed a person locking his car with a key. When’s the last time you saw that? What with remote lock and unlock and key fobs, keys are a thing of the past.
We have a new car, and it comes with a key fob. As you approach the car, one merely needs to press a button on the door, and eureka, the door opens! Once inside the car, there is a button to start the engine—no key. Our car also has “stop–start,” which means when you come to a red light and press the brake, the engine shuts off. This saves on fuel and accounts for the great gas mileage we achieve.
My smart car also has a feature that warns the driver that something, a package or person, may be in the back seat. The alarm and message on the screen states: “Check rear seat.” This is a feature to alert people that there may be a child in the back seat... in case you aren’t smart enough to have figured that out. It is triggered by opening and closing the rear door. And of course there are a multitude of alerts and warnings that pop up such as, “Time to change oil” and, “How much pressure is in the tires?” to name just two items.
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