New leaders often don’t realize that saying “yes” to leadership requires stepping out of the comfort zone. Avoidance is no longer a strategy.
As a leader, it’s up to you to navigate through the cultural politics, make difficult decisions, and resolve conflict between employees or co-workers. Intentionally inviting discomfort can help you grow exponentially.
Here are four discomforts to help elevate your leadership in 2021.
1. Stop focusing on yourself
If you constantly must be the most successful, the brightest, the most beautiful, the most accomplished, the one with the most titles, or the one who knows the most, you’ll be out of your comfort zone when your star employee wants to elevate.
Things to try: Go to an event where you are the least talented, the least educated, the least seasoned, have the least titles, and have the least certificates and awards. Rather than striving to be more interesting, decide to be more interested in others.
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