Editor’s note: This is an attempt to use DMAIC methodology to resolve conflicts, in concert with the approach presented in an article titled “Feds may unleash Six Sigma on terrorism” by Del Jones in USA Today, October 30, 2002. By no means does either the author or Quality Digest consider the following discussion to represent even implicitly a fool-proof way to eliminate terrorism. The following has been presented simply to promote discussion of the use of Six Sigma in high-risk situations.
In the last several years, it appears that the world has been fighting terrorism. Actually, many governments have been fighting terrorists, not terrorism. Given the increase in intensity and frequency of the so-called terrorist attacks, there are more terrorists than before. Without a comprehensive understanding of terrorism, the use of the terms "terrorism" and "terrorists" must be questioned. We wonder, "Are they taking the right approach in the absence of any concrete measure of success?" They catch or eliminate one person, but does that mean that they have conquered terrorism?
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