Farmers Can Save Water With Wireless Technologies, But There Are Challenges
Water is the most essential resource for life, for both humans and the crops we consume.
Water is the most essential resource for life, for both humans and the crops we consume.
Many manufacturers that adopted lean principles by applying a “just-in-time” (JIT) mindset to inventory of materials and parts have been burned, sometimes badly, by cascading supply chain disruptions.
The workplace has changed forever, having gone through a revolution similar to the Industrial Revolution. Our workplaces are diverse, complex, and frequently changing.
I know what you’re thinking. You’ve got a medical device prototype that the FDA has categorized as Class I. You’re ready to push forward to manufacturing or marketing the device, since there are no formal requirements for design controls.
There’s a well-known aphorism that generals are always fighting the last war. It’s a natural human tendency to focus on the kinds of threats you’re used to while playing down the likelihood or importance of some new sort of attack.
CNC (for computer numerical control) machines have made manufacturing easier, faster, and more precise.
The Covid-19 pandemic brought to light a stark reality about current supply chains. As Nissan Motor’s chief operating officer Ashwani Gupta points out, “The just-in-time model is designed for supply-chain efficiencies and economies of scale.
Work has become an around-the-clock activity, courtesy of the pandemic and technology that makes us reachable anytime, anywhere. Throw in expectations to deliver fast and create faster, and it becomes hard to take a step back.
Florida’s outbreak of listeria has so far led to at least one death, 22 hospitalizations, and
In what has been called the “biggest moment for workers’ rights in a quarter of a century,” the International Labour Organization (ILO)
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