Safely Studying Dangerous Infections Just Got a Lot Easier
To combat a pandemic, science needs to move quickly.
To combat a pandemic, science needs to move quickly.
It takes 10 to 15 years and around $1 billion to develop one successful drug.
According to the CDC, approximately one out of six Americans are diagnosed with foodborne diseases each year.
The pandemic promises ongoing challenges for healthcare providers in 2022 as they cope with nursing shortages and cybersecurity threats amid shifts previously underway for the industry.
Machine learning has the potential to drastically improve efficiency and the quality of care in hospitals by tackling hard-to-predict problems like ICU occupancy or which patients are likely to be readmitted.
Life science organizations play a vital role in healthcare’s technology revolution, with a key focus on identifying the right opportunities to scale digital transformation.
Although the announcement, “FDA Proposes Changes to Food Safety Modernization Act Rule to Enhance Safety of Agricultural Water Used on Produce,” is a bit to fully digest in one sitting, I’m intrigued by the FDA’s focus on pre-harvest risk assessment of water risk as
In the medtech space, all roads lead to quality. Unlike pharma, which looks at safety and quality separately, all of the information around risk and vigilance to inform product improvement will be housed within a medtech company’s quality management system (QMS).
The pandemic has seen an unprecedented global effort to accelerate the development of safe and effective vaccines as well as a rapid expansion of vaccine manufacturing capacity.
This story was originally published by Knowable Magazine.
The way the United States typically finances hospitals isn’t working. The coronavirus laid this bare, along with many other long-standing societal problems.
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